Welcome! I hope you would enjoy reading this blog. This is a chronicle of my journey with my new job, as a salesman of the country's leading beer company; San Miguel Beer.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Great Sacrifice: Welcoming My New Boss

Last Friday I was given a clear instruction from my immediate supervisor. He told me that on Monday we would be meeting our new supervisor. He will be transferred into a new location, so this week would be our "turn over" week. To my surprise, the instruction was to arrive in the office before seven in the morning. I was about to shout in complain! But silently, and with my innocent eyes I said yes, not to add my cute smile as if nothing was boiling in my heart. I said yes sir, because I know I can make it before seven.

After attending a birthday party last night, I went home Monday 2:30 am. With the 'before seven in the morning' call time in mind, I still chose to party with those people. I drove home drunk. And really had a very tired body and soul. I slept. Fortunately I have this body clock where I really wake up as early as 5 am if i get drunk, regardless of the time I sleep. With just two and a half hours of sleep I woke up groggy and tired. I took a bath and went to the office. I arrived there at 6:40am. Twenty minutes before seven.

When you arrive first you get to do the first jobs, you would turn on the lights, computers, air conditioning, printers, and you would end up seeing all the mess that took place that night. I swallowed them all. I was looking at the time, my boss was not yet around. 7 am, still not around. Alone in the office, I didn't know what to do. 7:30 I was still alone. Good thing after a few minutes some of my office mates arrived. They enjoyed the luxury of my hard work, being the first to arrive. Then by 7:35 am, my counterpart arrived. I was smiling so hard because we all knew that this guy would arrive as late as 10 am. This time, 7:35am! What an accomplishment for him.

Then by 8:15am we were able to meet our new boss. He was decent. He wears his I.D. simply stating that he's a man of details... spooky. He mentioned about forecasts and outlets, which simply imply route rides. I hate route rides. But all the while I was filled with excitement because I would be working with this man for 2 years. I don't have any choice but to make this 2 years enjoyable and a learning experience for me.

Welcome boss..! I am happy to work for. But God, it was really a sacrifice for me to welcome you on a seven in the morning call time.

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